

We offer a web application hosting service including: transactional sites, application APIs, customer portals, and showcase sites. This hosting is done on a redundant/load balancer environment ensuring uninterrupted and high-performance traffic. Our system is distributed across multiple servers, allowing you to continue your operations without slowdowns. Indeed, even if one server encounters issues, traffic will be redistributed to other servers ensuring the efficiency of your business.

In our virtualized and distributed environment, we utilize cutting-edge microservices such as Redis, S3 object storage, distributed MariaDB databases, HAProxy, and NGINX.

Our technologies


 Redis ensures efficient coordination of these autonomous fragments of software functionality, guaranteeing optimal performance in this constantly evolving ecosystem.

S3 Object Storage

Amazon's S3, the object storage service, provides a reliable and scalable solution for storing and retrieving data. With its high availability, exceptional durability, and ease of integration, S3 is the ideal option to meet the storage needs of any size of business. Whether hosting images, videos, or database backups, S3 ensures efficient and secure data management.

MariaDB Database

MariaDB, a popular alternative to MySQL, provides efficient data management with high reliability and compatibility. With advanced features such as multi-master replication and partitioning, MariaDB meets the complex needs of modern applications. Whether for small businesses or industry giants, MariaDB provides a robust and scalable platform for database management.


HAProxy, an open-source load balancer, ensures efficient distribution of network traffic with its high availability and reliability. Its ability to handle millions of simultaneous connections makes it a preferred choice for critical environments. Whether optimizing web server performance or ensuring application redundancy, HAProxy offers a flexible and high-performance solution.


Serveur web et proxy inverse, se distingue par sa légèreté, sa vitesse et sa capacité à gérer des charges importantes. En tant que leader sur le marché, il offre une architecture modulaire et une grande extensibilité pour répondre aux besoins variés des applications web modernes. Que ce soit pour la mise en cache, la gestion des requêtes HTTP/HTTPS ou le chargement équilibré, NGINX excelle dans l'optimisation des performances et la sécurisation des services en ligne.